A lot of what I see holding people back in “selling” is the narrow parameters people give themselves within which to show up.


We want so badly to be “good”. To do and be what we feel is “right”.


And what I am going to suggest (ahem, kindly shove in our face) is the fact that this labeling is holding us back… this is our fear driving the bus and it has us in a nice little cage all the way in the back of it.


Let’s get explicit:


We are filled with judgments about appropriate ways to be… we label this behavior as “good” and that behavior as “bad”.


In terms of selling, “bad” is often attributed to being greedy, pushy, wasting someone’s time, being inauthentic, egotistical and the list goes on and on.


And what I want to throw out there is a big fat “So what.” So what if we are greedy in a moment? So what if we are pushy? So what if we are inauthentic? Egotistical?


Does exhibiting a quality in a moment in time stamp us with a forever label as the end all of who and what we are?


Hell no.


Let’s get real… every human on this planet has moments where they experience these things.


Of course, we are gonna feel greedy in moments, be pushy, inauthentic, egotistical… Our whole culture has taught us since the time we entered the world that there is not enough to go around. These are all natural responses to that!


Showing up fully is HOW we work on this. We cannot change what doesn’t serve us until we LOOK at it.


Selling with love (not fear) requires us uncaging ourselves  (for that cage houses more than what we have labeled “bad”, alongside shackled, is our love and joy).  We must set free our energy to share in the way we are inspired to no matter what that brings out of us. This requires a fierce kind of love for ourselves.


The question at hand is “is our heart in it?”  If yes, we can set ourselves free and be guided simply by the feedback life brings us.  The task at hand is not to judge ourselves but to simply ask the question:  Is what we are doing working or not?  We make adjustments based on this answer. It’s that simple.


Surrendering to this process leads to the expression of our highest selves.


When we allow ourselves to show up exactly as we are, we start to trust that we can and will navigate the path to connection that we desire. (It is only from this place that we can do so).


And when we see that we CAN navigate the path to connection from any starting point we will reconnect with our innate knowing that there are no shortages in this world… there IS enough to go around.


Reconnecting with this knowing is the job of our lifetime… we must reclaim our trust in who and what we essentially are. Time to uncage ourselves and get to work. Oh, and have FUN doing it! 🙂